You probably already know PG&E electricity is expensive and their rates are continually rising. Solar is finally far, far cheaper than PG&E. The corporate solar companies’ marketing machines have already taught you that.

But here is the interesting part. We are now able to provide better pricing than the big national companies. The solar financial market has opened up to everyone, not just the hugely capitalized and publicly-traded corporates. Historically, the national companies were the best option available. They bought your system and sold you electricity for less than PG&E.

  • But their rate increases 2.9% per year.
  • And you don’t own the system after twenty years.

Owning rooftop solar is tremendously profitable for the corporate solar companies

Our goal is to provide you the most comprehensive advisory on the industry so that you can make a fully educated decision. And that takes time, so we never pressure you like the other companies. We prompt you to do more research. Then you’ll be an empowered solar advocate. And you’ll love us for it.